·: Ground Rules :·

  1. Members will practice self-control and group policing for all ground rules.
  2. Members will show respect for other members and their time.
  3. Members are responsible for staying up to date and coming to meetings prepared.
  4. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.
  5. Process-bullying will not be tolerated.
  6. Members should be prepared to respect and participate in any issue raised by the collaborative.
  7. Members should strive to speak and share their viewpoints so that others can hear them.
  8. Members should help each other ‘reframe’ viewpoints so they can be heard.
  9. Members wear lots of ‘hats’ within the community; acknowledge your roles and interests.
  10. Speak one person at a time and refrain from side conversations.
  11. Facilitators will seek to hear from people who haven’t spoken before those who have already been heard.
  12. Collaborative members will set the agenda.
  13. Respect the facilitators and the agenda-stay on topic.
  14. Cell phones will be silenced during meetings- emergency personnel excepted.
  15. Group will discuss items thoroughly before voting.
  16. Ground rules may be removed, revised or added through membership voting.
  17. The Collaborative will evaluate its progress.
  18. The Collaborative will not backtrack for any member.
  19. If an active member of the Collaborative believes that another member has violated the charter, the facilitators will be notified and the issue will be agendized for discussion and/or action/vote as soon as possible.

·: Public Observation & Input :·

  1. Collaborative Group meetings will be open to public observation.
  2. Facilitated public input will be allowed at Collaborative Group meetings.
  3. Members of the public who would like to contribute their input must arrive at the meeting on time and check-in with the meeting facilitator.
  4. Guidelines for public comment will be announced at the beginning of each meeting.
  5. Public input will be restricted to three minutes per person; this may be waived at the discretion of the group.
  6. Public input on a potential actionable item will be allowed after the completion of the members' discussion of the item and prior to any voting.
  7. Public input on items not covered by the agenda will be allowed at the end of the meeting.

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CONTACTS > Trinity County RCD, PO Box 1450, Weaverville, CA 96093
Phone: (530) 623-6004
>Watershed Research & Training Center, PO Box 356 Hayfork, CA 96041
Phone: (530) 628-4206
Email: collaborativefacilitation@gmail.com
© 2020